alien baby
We found out today that I am approximately 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Estimated due date: November 3rd. However, since I am opting for another C-section, sometime in late October is more likely. This will add to the MANY October birthdays already on the calendar. Gina 10/8, Kyle 10/18, Kimmy 10/20, Tristen 10/26 (and Emily, aren't you somewhere in there?). The way I figure it, we are in for a future of hyper-active, candy-laden October birthday parties. Pray for me.
Lena still has no idea what I mean when I say, "mommy's going to have a baby." She just looks at me like, "and this explains why you're not giving me that sharp pointy stick I've been asking you for because?" However, I have caught her cuddling and trying to spoon feed her pet bowling pin. (it's purple and plastic with a goofy face, she loves it.) So maybe there is hope for us after all.
Bucket Head #2
Hey. Sorry it's been so long since my last post. Many, many things have been happening here. I'll share in a bit, but first. OH MY GOD!! Remember that scene from Parenthood where the kid puts the bucket on his head and runs into a wall. Well Lena is doing that RIGHT NOW, as I write. She has a yellow bucket on her head and is walking into the wall while speaking some kind of crazy moon language and laughing. oh for the love of all that is holy, I have created bucket head baby. I know, you're all shocked - shocked!
On to other news. Remember how I thought I couldn't get pregnant without pills, shots and months (well years) of frustration? Well, I was wrong. Surprise!! Baby #2 is in the making. I don't have many details yet ( I have an appt. tomorow) Needless to say, we here at Casa de Stiffler were pretty freaked out for a while. However, now it's excitement all around. (Well, except Lena who has no idea what we're talking about.) Right now I'm just REALLY tired and a little cranky. This pregnancy is starting out more typical than the first. I'm more tired, I get heartburn, and I've already started to show. (and dammit, I began at least 10 pounds lighter this time and I'm already fat!)But still....excited! I'll let you all know more as I find out.
I Am So Proud
Lena actually did something truly nice yesterday! I know, I know, you've all been sucked in by the big eyes and amazing cuteness that is Helena Stiffler. You don't believe me when I tell you she's been possessed by devil monkeys, but don't be fooled. She's a wild animal and would kill you if she could. Anyway...
Yesterday we went to the mall for the afternoon because it was still raining. Lena LOVES the rubberized world of the Nissan Metro play land. Almost everything can be climbed and then made into a slide, and really, what's more fun than that? While she was playing, a little boy started crying and just wouldn't stop. He sat by his mom's feet, sobbing. Lena got off the slide, went over to him, placed her hands on his cheeks, and planted a big 'ol wet kiss on him. Then she sat next to him, hugging him. There was a collective "Awwwww" from the other mommies and my heart swelled with pride. Lena and the little boy spent the next half hour playing and chasing each other around. It was very cute.
This was the day after she got smacked in the face and knocked over at Mrs. Nelson's. Now, to be honest, she did start it, and we've been trying to convince her that it's really not a good idea to pick fights with kids twice her size, but she just wouldn't listen. The boy must have been about 3 and he made the mistake of sitting in Lena's favorite Dr. Seuss chair in the play area. Lena went over and tried to push him off. He pushed back, she pushed back, and WHAM, a smack right in the face. She cried and cried and the boy's mom apologized profusely. I felt sort of bad, since Lena started it (although he was old enough to know not to hit small toddlers) and his mom seemed really nice and thoroughly embarrassed by her son's agression. (I can sympathize.) The crying didn't last long and Lena went back to playing as usual.
Jason and my dad's theory is that Lena might have gained some compassion from the Mrs. Nelson's experience. Now she knows what it's like to cry for something other than not getting her way (or falling from a great height). Maybe. One can only hope.