Bobble Head Lena
Lena had her 18 month physical last Friday (at 19 1/2 months). I have to say, Friday was not a happy day for any of us. It began with waiting for about 2 hours for the check-up. I realize that long waits are sometimes the price you pay for HMO medical care, but 2 hours is a VERY long time in toddler land. During our approximately hour1/2 long visit to the waiting room, Lena had her first official public tantrum - complete with screaming and throwing herself on the floor. I can't tell you how thrilled the rest of the waiting room patients were. There was a nice older woman and her granddaughter, a loud Latino family, and a boy with a horrible, contageous looking rash in there when we arrived. After the first 1/2 hour, not even rash-boy's mother would look me in the eye. We spent another 1/2 hour waiting in the check-up room. The first 15 minutes were great; the mirror was a big hit. But Lena soon grew tired of her own, adorable image and proceeded to throw the toys I brought for her at the very expensive looking medical equipment. Then finally, FINALLY a nurse came in to weigh and measure my little angel. Here are the results:
Head: 19 inches - 75-90%
Height: 31 inches - 25-50%
Weight: 21 lb, 7.5 oz. - 3%
If she keeps this up, she's going to grow up to look like Nancy Reagan. Big head, little body. She's like a giant bobble head. Jason insists her head size is due to her enormous brain. If he's right, this may not bode well for the future. Lately, Lena has become more aggressive. Other mommys have assured me that this is a good thing. "She's not aggressive" they say, "she's assertive." I'm hoping this logic works when she's older. "It's not a protection racket, Officer. She's just strong willed." I realize that most of her personality is already formed at birth, so there is really only a small part that we, as her parents, have any influence over. Right now Lena will either grow up to be a brilliant scientist, saving millions of lives when she discovers a cure for cancer, or she will rule all of metropolis. I only hope that we've taught her well enough to offer full medical benefits to her henchmen.