Girl Loaf

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Friday, March 10, 2006

The Great Escape

There is a story told in Jason's family that is helpful to understanding the personalities of Jason and his brothers. It is the story of how each one first escaped from his crib. Jason, being the smartypants that he is, figured out the latch and let himself out; Jared, being the adventurer that he is, climbed over the top; and Peter, being the smartest one of all, yelled until someone came and got him. Lena proved to us, without a doubt, this morning that she is indeed Uncle Jared's neice.

Now, I have to point out, there really is no Jason option on her crib (we did this on purpose). Her crib is one single unit, no latch. And while she does yell at us every so often, she will give up after a while. This leaves only the Jared option. We knew it would hapen eventually since all the climbing, and jumping, and running about pointed in that direction. So, this morning, at around 8:30, we heard the inevitable thud of Lena hitting the floor and rolling. I am guessing about the rolling since we found her in the middle of the floor. ( if not we're in trouble.) It took a few seconds before the crying started, and Jason and I nearly collided trying to get to her room, but she's okay, Not even a bruise, although she did scare herself pretty good. So, while I know it's pointless, I'm hoping she won't try it again anytime soon. But knowing Jared as I do, I'm not counting on it.


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