Girl Loaf

For all your girl loaf needs!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I'm starting a new thing with Lena. First of all, I have to explain: she does not respond to almost any sort of discipline. You can't make her feel bad by telling her you're disappointed in her behavior since frankly, she doesn't give a damn. Time outs are simply opportunities to sing louder while sitting in one place. I'm not willing to beat her as much or as often as I'd need to for that to work. (and I don't believe that works anyway.) so.....we have begun an incentive program: she begins the day with 4 stickers she's picked out. As the day progresses she looses or gains stickers based on her behavior. I bought foam door hangers at Michaels for her to add stickers to before bed (or when she does something exceptionally good during the day). We're on day 2 and she seems to understand. She was very upset earlier when she lost a lady bug sticker for throwing a toy at me. I really hope this works, because I am officially out of ideas after this. Anyone want to share advice?

Friday, January 11, 2008


Hey, so I just created a page on Vimeo ( a free video hosting site). There are a few videos of the girls and family. Feel free to visit.

When I remember how, I plan to add a link on this page.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

She's just happy to see you

So Lena is obsessed with her nipples. Well, boobs in general, but especially her own "baby boobs" as she likes to call them. She has explained to me (and most anyone else who will listen) that although mom's boobs have milk, hers do not, nor do dad's, grandma's, or grandpa's. This is apparently VERY important information, which must not be forgotten and therefore repeated as often as possible. Lena enjoys being (mostly) naked. It doesn't matter what clothes you put on her, she will take them off, I assume for better access to her nipples. So this evening, as she was once again playing with them, I told her, "your nipples are going to fall off soon, Lena." She was quiet for a moment, looked around, patted her tummy, then looked at me and said, "no they didn't."

Friday, January 04, 2008

From Portland with Love

We've been in Portland for about 4 months now. I have been looking forward to living here for so many years now, and even though we're living in my parents-in-law's basement, it's just what I wanted. Except the house, of course. Right now I feel like goldilocks looking for a comfortable bed...this one's too small, this one has no kitchen...that sort of thing. I know we'll eventually find something, but it's frustrating.

Jason likes his new job. They threw a family friendly Christmas party that was truly family friendly. Lena decorated a gingerbread cookie, made a necklace, and sat on Santa's lap. She asked to see Santa, get a candy cane, and have snow. She got all three. For the first time since 1990 it snowed on Christmas in Portland. It was fantastic, although we profoundly missed our family and friends in California. This was the first year since 1996 that we didn't have a Christmas party on the 23rd.

I'm still at home with the girls, but Lena's in a co-op preschool 3 days a week, which means I work at her school one of those days. Currently that day is Friday. I've really enjoyed hanging out with Lena at school and it's a good way to meet other parents (mostly stay-at-home). We've had a few playdates with mommies and kids from the school, but we still don't get out as much as we did in Cali. I desperately miss my mommy group. I'm sure I'll meet more people soon, i
t will just take some time, I know.

Pilar has been walking (and running) since mid-October. Most of her day is spent following Lena around and playing with/imitating her. I love watching them together. They adore each other (most of the time). Lena is still her crazy, active self. Pilar is mellow and sweet. I got a cuddler. She has grown pretty close to Grandpa Dan. She will sit on his lap and snuggle for quite a while. It's very sweet. Once we move, I think the girls will both really miss seeing their grandparents every day.

Those are pretty much all the boring details. I will certainly let you all know when we find a house. Until then, I hope you are all well and happy.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I've missed you guys!

Hey. So It's been quite a while....6 months or so? I'm going to assume that if you read this blog at all you know that we finally moved to Portland in September. YAY!

it's been wonderful. I'll have more stories later. Right now, I'm just blogging because I added many new pictures to my flickr site. Check them out....