Girl Loaf

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Friday, December 08, 2006

crying and crying and crying...

It's amazing how much I have forgotten in the last 2 years. Burping the baby after she eats, for example, is very important. Clothes that look too small are usually, in reality, too big. Breastfeeding makes you really, REALLY hungry, which causes you to consider things like lucky charms and kraft cheez n' crackers food. But mostly, mostly it's the constant, CONSTANT crying that I managed to wipe clean from my memories of early parenthood. Pilar cannot be more than, at most, 1 foot from a warm body without losing it completely. beginning this morning, while I rushed to finish making 25 holiday gifts for Jason's tutors, I finally just let her cry. While regular person logic tells me that a baby cannot die from too much crying, my mom logic understands no such thing. Everytime she stopped crying I'd start to worry that something was wrong and go check on her. For example, while writing this, I once again let her cry, but after about 10 minutes I couldn't stand it anymore and am now typing with one hand. I am a sucker.

Meanwhile, Lena has actually been really cute and pretty good (for Lena) lately. After staying at my parents, and using their highchair, I have become a highchair convert. This may actually be the best invention of the 20th century (when WAS it invented?). Lena loves it. She sits in it to eat and watch movies. It's been very useful to know where she is so I can make sure it's far from the baby, whose eyes she must have for her very own. She actually likes Pilar, though maybe too much. She really wants to play with her and doesn't undertand why she can't. After watching too much Curious George, Lena does not seem to differentiate between a monkey and a baby, which may explain some of her behavior toward her sister. Half of the time when George comes on the screen she yells "baby!!". Although, she is talking a lot more now, and "monkey" is a frequently used word. In fact right now, as she sits in her highchair, watching George she is alternately screaming "monkey!" and "out!!" So I'm going to let her out. Wish me luck.


At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The high chair, depending on which source you read, was invented either in 1924 by Reverend G. Evelyn High of northwest Birminghamhire, or by an an anonymous schoolmarm in High Davenport Township in Southwest Utah 10 years earlier. There is some degree of controversy in both of these claims: the schoolmarm was trying to find an alternative for young children whose Godliness was being undermined by comfortable seating, whereas Rev. High just wanted someplace to trap his wayward son, Vivian. While neither of these inventors had yet brought the question of mesy eaters into the project, we can certainly see our contemporary high chairs in the architecture of their early forms.

In either case, experts agree that today's high chairs both "chastise the booty to cleanse the spirit," and "constrain that little demon to keep him out of the communion wine" - just as our earlier forebears dreamed and hoped.

At 4:12 AM, Blogger Bkbuds said...

Hey Lysa:

Congrats! I peeked at the other blog to see the photos and they're adorable. I hope you're getting some sleep.

The crying eases up after a few years, I promise. Then they start whining.

Hope it's sunny in Claremont.

Anne Levy

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Lysa said...

Hey Anne,

I've been getting more sleep than I did with Lena, but much less than I'd like. She's a good baby (as long a she's being held) but even so, I'm amazed at how much more difficult two kids are than one.

It's like all winters in California here. One day it's time for long sleeves and sweaters, the next, we're in shorts.

I hope you're enjoying city life in Chicago.



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