Girl Loaf

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Saturday, July 01, 2006

So. Hot. Here

So yeah, I know, I missed most of June. Sorry about that. We've all been good here, just busy.

Lena's been her usual active self. She has recently discovered the joys of playing in water, wherever she may find it: bathtub, swimming pool, wading pool, puddle, toilet..... It's VERY VERY HOT HERE so playing in water is fine by me (though I could do without the toilet exploration). After extenive searching, I finally found a maternity bathing suit I like, so now I can play too . While I am glad maternity fashion no longer resembles oversized children's clothes, I will never understand why designers think pregnant women want to wear tube tops and lowrise jeans....(really I don't understand why non-pregnant women would either.)

We're still doing mommy and me classes once a week. The summer schedule is fun because it's mostly field trips. We went to the Long Beach Aquarium on Monday. Lena was completely mesmerized by all the fish. She partucularily liked the jelly fish, but also seemed to have a soft spot for the tiny octopus. The previous
week we were in Anaheim for a retreat with Jason's work. We had planned to take Lena to Disneyland (We stayed at the Grand Californian, one of the park's hotels) until we realized it would cost $120 for Jason and I to take Lena for the few hours she'd be in a good mood. So we had to settle for hanging around the hotel and walking through the consumer hell that is Downtown Disney. Luckily, Lena does not yet care for all the Disney princess stuff, but I was having panic attacks watching the little girls jump and dance for joy as their parents dropped hundreds of dollars on pointy princess hats and sparkly shoes. If Lena keeps developing the way she is now, she'll be doing her dance of joy for soccer balls and cleats. One can only hope.

My pregnancy has been going well. I have much more energy, though Lena often saps it pretty quickly. And did I mention. IT"S HOT HERE. which does not help my mood (or Lena's for that matter.) The baby, who I will heretofore refer to as Pilar, has been kicking up a storm. She especially loves my bladder. She's much more active than Lena was at 22 weeks. I'm hoping this is not a sign of my future. The nice thing is Jason can feel her kick. He only felt Lena once and not very well.

Otherwise, we're all doing well here. Lena is currently attemptint to climb over the baby jail so I must go stop her....


At 7:27 PM, Blogger E. Garcia said...

Hiya, Lysa.
Here's the link to one of my favorite articles from my media analysis project: I'll keep looking for that Deborah Tannen article.

At 5:04 PM, Blogger Lysa said...


I'm sending a somewhat short version of my answer to your previous question about writing because a) Lena is on the verge of a baby breakdown, b)have i mentioned the HOT here, and c) I like talkiing about this stuff and I don't want you to think i'm ignoring you...

I have not read any of the Tannen you have, however, I would argue we are ALL marked, both men and women, by what we wear and do. We are not only marked by our gender, but by race and culture as well. IE.. We can not escape the influence of where we come from.

That being said...yes, I think you can be a good and thoughful writer without having to write about yourself. Who you are will come through no matter what you write about. Good writing is about more than the writer. J and I have been having some really good conversations about this recently. I will write with some excerpts later. Right now I need to feed my monster....


At 3:35 PM, Blogger Ms. Aerie said...

Hi Lysa,
I just joined Blogspot after encouraging my daughter (13, brilliant, lotsa angst) to start blogging as a way to express her frustration and happiness with her teenage condition. So today I was just clicking around on blogs linked to Uzbekistan and happened on yours! I love it! Your captions are just the best I've ever seen. I hope things are going well for you and your family.


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