Mommy and Me
Lena and I are in a mommy and me class that meets every Thursday morning at 9am. This is a good time because it tires her out right before her nap. This is a bad time because for the last 2 weeks I've had to wake Lena up to go. I know, I know she's a great sleeper (just like her mom. I'm so proud) but she's starting to get cranky when woken before 10am. I'm only sort of joking...she woke up at 10:45 on Wednesday and still went to sleep at 8pm. She's both teething and going through a growth spurt as evidenced by the consumption of large quantities of spaghetti-os and chicken nuggets as well as the constant drool.
As much as she grows and looks so much bigger and less infant like every day, she is still so small compared to other children her age. She's the youngest in our mommy and me class and definitely the smallest. The other mommys often comment on how she still has a baby face and total strangers in the grocery store are surprised she can walk already. They are even more surprised when I tell them she's almost 18 months.
But really there are worse things than having a baby that lets me sleep and does not weigh too much to carry around. I have no complaints. (ok, well at least about the sleeping and the carrying. the poop and drool are a whole different thing)
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