Chair Fight
So Lena has this chair that she LOVES. She loves to sit in it and watch Shrek. She loves to "surf" on it. And she especially loves to climb on it. She has (unfortunately for me) figured out that she can use it to escape the baby jail, or "thunderdome," in the living room. I point all this out because last night she was forced to defend her sovereign right to the chair and lost. First there was the chair fight. She battled bravely (and loudly) but Tristen was just too big for her.
We told both of them that they needed to share the chair which, as you can see, was never really an option. Finally, Lena gave up, played with the legos scattered around the thunderdome, and watched the end of Polar Express. Tristen, as you can also see, was a worthy foe, what with the growling and baring of teeth. Lena retaliated later by comandeering the plastic kitchenette and hiding all the musical instruments, but really the night belonged to T. Right now, Tristen and Lena are mostly adversarial, but I am not looking forward to the day they figure out that there is strength in numbers.
I never thanked you for having me over. Thank you so much, I had a great time, and you guys will have to come over to our place (during the daytime of course, it's scary out there at night!)LOL Give Carmen Miranda a smooch!
No need to thank me. We should definitely do it again sometime. Just tell me when. :)
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