Same 'ol same 'ol
One of these days I'll get back to the "something That Rhymes with Mondays," but I feel like I'm still recuperating from the bronchitis I got from the terrible, horrible cold. My body attempted to expel my lungs from my chest for about a month until I finally caved and went to the Drs. Yay for meds! Go Codeine! So you just get an update about goings-on here.
The girls are back up and running after a very long winter break. Lena was literally crying the Sunday night before school started because we wouldn't take her back to school RIGHT NOW!. She's better now. Her classroom lost its bus driver in December and we finally have a replacement. I am cautiously optimistic about it, since this is the second replacement so far. The other one got a better job offer. Lena LOVES the bus as only a 4 year old can. Even though we live 3 minutes from the school, we decided that the school bus was an experience she should have. Also, so much easier on her chauffeurs. At least one of her teachers is on the bus in the morning and afternoon and there is much singing and chatting. Very Lena.
Pilar has been less excited to go back to "school." She's in a 2 hour day care 3 days a week. She loves her teacher (and asks for her often) but has had some separation anxiety lately. Not sure where it's coming from.
I'm heading off to Salem this week for a couple days to help lobby the Oregon legislature to continue funding Head Start. I'm excited and nervous, though not necessarily about lobbying (I figure my Head Start program is not going to let me screw that up too badly) but because I've never been away from the girls overnight. I've come home late when they are already in bed, but never until morning.....we'll see how all of us do.
So about mid morning to mid afternoon this Thursday, send me some good mojo. Hopefully I won't need it too badly.