Hi, my name is Lysa and I'm a facebook addict. It's one of those things you think you're only going to check to see if anyone's posted to your wall. Riiiiiight...Then you HAVE to kidnap someone because you just got "Hole through the Earth." And how can you resist finding out which 80s movie defines you (Princess Bride)? And dammit, your cousin beat your Word Challenge score and that cannot stand.....Finally, you absolutely must check out the new photos posted by your high school friend because you just KNOW there will be something familiar and embarrassing there. Oh, and don't get me started on "friends available to chat."
It's been a blast finding and chatting with people from high school and college and keeping up with current friends and family who are far away. I feel like I know what people in my life are up to without having to email or call and ask a ton of questions. It's totally addictive and I love it.
Jason's about to put the girls to bed. I thought I'd take the time to update some. Here are a few in short:
-Christmas was wonderful. My parents gave the girls a lovely wooden dollhouse from Plan toys and a bunny family each. The bunny families came with clothes, though some of them have since become nudists. Bunnies are so free-spirited. Grandma Gail and Grandpa Dan gave the girls magna doodles which were VERY HIGH on their list of favorite toys. Lena is spelling on hers, and Pilar is trying. Lena can spell her name and has managed "cat" and "rat." It's been fun watching her figure it out. Santa gave them baby dolls and strollers and we gave them mostly handmade stuff. Beautiful blankets from Quiltish, Tutus from Mama Runs with Scissors, some hair clips from Ladybug Limited and nightgowns made especially for them from Bamdesigns. I had a lot of fun planning and crafting this year.
-We had an incredible amount of snow in December. For about 2 weeks we were (for the most part) snowed in, or at least unable to use our cars. I took a few days around Christmas off and had some snow days off work. Luckily we are pretty close to bus lines and a grocery coop, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Especially since the power stayed on. Because Portland has very few snow plows, only the major streets are taken care of, so our street looked like a bunny slope. Lena enjoyed sliding down the street in a plastic bin. Pilar STILL tells us about the time she slide in a box, fell in the snow and cried. If asked, she will say it was not fun. She is SO her mother.
Jason started a new quarter about 2 weeks ago. This schedule is much better than last quarter, though still busy. I still enjoy my work. It's grant season, so I'm getting to do some proofing, which is much more fun than filing. I'm not sure I'm that useful, but I try.
Otherwise, all is much the same. I'll try to think of some better stories to tell soon.
So I am still here. I've been sick since about Christmas....Not bedridden sick. Just not on my game. I'm going to sit on my butt for a while now and watch the first season of Bones on DVD. Just thought I'd share. I'll update more later....Just wanted to say hi.