Girl Loaf

For all your girl loaf needs!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

It's a....Pronoun!!

So I had my 18 week ultrasound yesterday morning and after an extra 1/2 hour of checking, we learned the gender. It' a girl! The technician seemed very sure. In her words, "there's no weiner here." She also said the baby looks healthy, which makes me a lot less stressed. We are also glad to finally have a pronoun to use to refer to the baby. "It" has never really worked for me. My due date is early November, though I'm still likely to deliver in October. Her name will be Pilar Xochitl Stiffler y Garcia. Pilar was the other girl name we considered for Lena, but decided Helena went better with her middle name, Jason. Xochitl was my grandmother's middle name. When she found out I was pregnant the first time, she suggested it as a good girl's name. While I really like the name, I just couldn't find it in myself to inflict it upon her as a first name since she would forever be explaining how to pronounce it.

Anyway, we're all doing well here. Lena's still her crazy self. She figured out how to climb her changing table last week, so until I can move it, she's not allowed to play in there without me. Jason's on summer schedule, which is lovely. Lena and I get to accompany him on a work retreat to the Disneyland Hotel (I think) in a couple of weeks. Should be fun.