Girl Loaf

For all your girl loaf needs!

Monday, December 08, 2008

Something That Rhymes with Monday: Projects

As the Holidays get closer, I must contemplate a whole 2 weeks with Lena out of pre-school. There are many activities in and around Portland, so I'm not all that worried. But since it does tend to rain here, it is also nice to have some at home activities. This Monday's list is a compilation of kid friendly projects.

This particular item is what got me thinking about projects in the first place. I LOVE the idea of a different activity coming in the mail each week. There is also (I believe) the option of having all the projects mailed at once (which might help with the whole 2 weeks off dilemma). Find it at Blynken and Nod.
This next one looks messy, but FUN. Who wouldn't want to make slime?! No one, That's who. Find this kit at Kids Craft Store.

*This post is cut short due to crying child. I'll add more later.....* Okay I'm back.....

I have a soft spot for hook rugs. My grandmother had a GINORMOUS Raggedy Ann rug we worked on when I was little. I loved sitting there with her, chatting and working. If you have older (maybe 5 and up) kids, this is a fun rainy day project. Now, if only my grandmother's rug had been this cool, I might have finished it. Find this one at Crafty Like a Fox.This is a great deal if you have more than one monster running around. The recommended age is 6 and up, but with A LOT of parent supervision, I could see this being fun for slightly younger. I love the wide variety of materials included to let your imagination run! Find this kit at Sockett Shop.
Finally, I love Christmas Crackers. However, since I am from the U.S and not Europe, it is not really a tradition I grew up with, just one I like. I'm considering making some of these for (and maybe with) my girls this year. I like this kit. It looks both fun and easy. I need easy. Find it at Hand Mad[e]ducation.
May you have a crafty good time!


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