Something that Rhymes with Monday: Let's hear it for the Boys!
I have girls. Therefore, I am often surrounded by pink princess-y stuff. So today's post is all about the boys! To be honest, either of my girls would LOVE any of these toys. I think most kids just like any toys in general - but I have noticed there really is a distinct preference that seems to run along the gender line. Girls and fairies or princesses, boys and trucks or dinos. This statement would have bothered me before I had kids. I assumed toy preferences were more nurture than nature, but once my girls started cuddling their dinosaurs like babies and using their dump trucks as cradles, I decided maybe there is something to gender based preference. So.....
This here is one of the cutest dinosaurs I've seen. You can find him at Carrot Fever. There are also stegosaurus and T-rex. If only there was a pink one, Lena would be in heaven.

I love these crayons. They are so clever and would be a fun thing to take to restaurants to keep the kiddies occupied. Find them at My Kangaroo.

I LOVE this map. I've been thinking about making one Dora style, but now (since both girls love pirates) maybe I'll just let someone else do the work. Unfortunately, this one is sold. I'm hoping a note to the seller will convince her to make another one. I found this at Blynken and Nod.

Okay, so this can technically be put in the "trucks and dinos" category, but it is way cute. So if your boy loves trucks, but you wish you could buy him something not made of plastic or metal, here's your toy! Find it at Elsie Marley.

Eeek! Tools for children. Babies, even. What's next? Fetus tools! My fetus needs an excavator...
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