Girl Loaf

For all your girl loaf needs!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Something that Rhymes with Monday: The Competition

Okay, this is the second time around, but I am determined. Grrr...

I had a whole thing written about my love for fake food, etc. But I'm now too tired to re-write. So here are my picks.

So once a long time ago before kids, Jason, our friend Jon and I were at a British Pub in Claremont. (yea, I know) J insisted I try a scotch egg. If you don't already know it's a peeled boiled egg, wrapped in sausage and deep fried. It's death on a plate. This one is much less dangerous. Find is at British Cream Tea.
This store, Go Buggy, is down right now due to a brand new baby. However, once it's back up, I highly suggest you peruse. This little bowl of Udon Noodle soup is just a taste.

Unlike the scotch egg above, this particular toy is oh so healthy. This little salad is just asking to be dumped into bowl after bowl after bowl. Then fought over, separated, and finally hidden. Or maybe that's just my house. Find this at Doodle Bug Finery.
This grouping is actually reserved for someone else, but is a good example of what is sold at Smollerup. So CUTE.

Finally, BuggaBugs has some COOL felt food patterns. Here is a "lunch to share" and if I knew how to sew, I would TOTALLY buy all their patterns.
Okay. That's it. Go know the rest.


At 11:36 AM, Blogger zukzuk said...

Ohmagod! I remember scotch eggs! That was back before I turned into a veggo - I guess a scotch egg like this one would be more appropriate for me now.

Play food is so great. I wish I had a kid who like play food. I wish I had a kid who like real food. Even his real food is transformed by his imagination into something with wheels at the dinner table! Sigh.

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Lysa said...

I'm not a veggo and this scotch egg is still more appropriate for me. :)

My girls used to eat ANYTHING, now it must come in nugget form. I long for the days when they would eat calamari.

I'm a little more obsessed with all this felt food than is probably healthy.

At 8:08 AM, Blogger isabel said...

i love the felt food!

At 8:09 AM, Blogger isabel said...

i love your felt food


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