Life is not Whatnot
So I have noticed, going over some of my current posts, that I haven’t included anything personal for a while. This is mostly because it is easier for me to Etsy shop (though, unfortunately not always buy) for this site, than to compose anything thoughtful. Sure, I could tell you more about the various baked goods I have ruined, or the number of times I have had to explain to the girls why they cannot eat applesauce on the couch, OR how I am so ohmygod CRAZY trying to get a craft fair for this coming Saturday organized and am freaking out because it’s supposed to snow this weekend…..but I won’t . I’ll be good and try not to whine. That’s annoying. So here is an update on the cool stuff that’s been happening:
Jason – is FINALLY finished with the quarter from hell. He has an enormous pile of grading, but then he has some time off. He will be teaching 4 courses again next quarter, though they are more evenly spread out, and not all as grading intensive. He will be teaching a once a week course on scholarship essay writing to children of immigrant laborers this coming winter and is very excited about it.
Helena – still loves school and is making some friends. We have had a couple playdates, but not many. She especially loves teaching us all new songs she’s learned from class. Often they are recognizable (though some are completely new to me too) and she will MELT DOWN if you sing it WRONG. Apparently the words, “YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!” should be sewn on a pillow or tattooed somewhere on my body so I won’t forget that I don’t know how to sing row, row, row your boat properly. I just want to know who replaced my 4 year old with this tiny teenager. She even has the eye rolling down. (although, to be honest that might be because eye rolling is often my reaction to her father.)
Pilar – is also loving school and has made some friends. The other day I asked her who she wanted to see at school and she named two friends. Both of these kids are very cute and I keep meaning to ask them over to play, but I forget. It would be nice for Pilar to have some friends of her own. Her vocabulary literally grows everyday. She loves to follow Lena around and copy her EXACTLY. It’s pretty funny to watch most of the time.
Me – I am still doing all the same things I have been doing. There’s really nothing new. I’m looking forward to Christmas week, since both Jason and I have it off and hopefully we can plan many fun activites. I’ll let you know if anything fun occurs.
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