I'm Back
It's been a busy couple of weeks here. Many good thing have been happening. Jason got at least one and possibly 2 courses at local community colleges, He's taking a second GIS course, which means just 4 more until his certification, and I got the job I wanted. YAY! We've also been out and about, enjoying the weather and events around Portland. Last weekend we went to the annual Sand in the Square downtown. There were many sand sculptures, and a sand pile for the kids to play in. Guess where we spent the most time. Unfortunately, we forgot the camera, so we only have after-the-event pictures. There was free face painting and balloon creations, which we took full advantage of....Lena loved walking around dressed up (although she was wearing a different, less colorful tutu). She garnered many waves, giggles, and hellos from passersby. She was in attention heaven.
She napped when we got home, but Pilar, since she slept through much of our outing, had some pudding. She must have decided she was under-decorated.....
Later in the week we took the girls to see and hear a woman sing about bugs. I inadvertently confused it with a bug show (as opposed to a bug song and puppet show) so it was not really what either she or Jason expected. Oops. Lena had a hard time sitting still. This was the best she managed......Finally, yesterday I participated in a craft fair with my yarn foods. I did better than I expected and may be selling them in at least one local store and on-line. I'll post more about that when I have more info. I thought the display turned out nice...and the face painter who had a table there was excellent.....Today we went to the Great Oregon Steam Up. We saw many tractors and other scary, dangerous farm machinery. Lena loved picking up the straw on the ground and we came home with a piece of rope Lena made and a tiny bale of hay. We also rode on a model train and watched a tractor pull. She is now napping (finally). I will have pictures or our "farm day" up on flickr soon.
Looks like you guys had fun! Any your goodies look great! I knew you'd do well :D
I'm lovin' the face paint. =) I'm betting we could all learn how to make it pretty easily, actually....Hm, new project?
That pudding, I bet you'll be cleaning that out of the nooks and crannies of the high chair for months. Worth it for that picture, though!
Congrats on your job! Details? Do tell...
Anne-Marie - making face paint would make Lena pee from joy.
Mama C - Yup! And we had just cleaned it out too. She had fun though....
Elizabeth - We had a blast! This has been a fantastic summer.
About the job. I'll be the assistant to the associate director of a local non-profit. It's 20 hours a week on a VERY flexible schedule so I'll still get some time with the girls. (and time to craft. :) ) The woman I'll be working for seems really great, so I'm looking forward to it.
Hey Lysa - Congrats on the new job, plus the ability to still be home with the girls. On another note, I've tagged you on my blog:-)
Dammit. :)
Now I have to think of 6 bloggers I know who haven't already been tagged.
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