Girl Loaf

For all your girl loaf needs!

Friday, July 18, 2008

I love the Bluegrass

One of the best things about living in Portland is the incredible number of things to do in the summer. It seems like after all the rain in winter and spring, Portlanders feel the need to take full advantage of the wonderful summer weather. Jason and I made a list of all the free (or cheap) things to do this summer and my calendar is FULL.

There are concerts in the park (any park, just pick a park and there will at some point be a concert), Regal theaters has free G and PG movies at 10am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Tryon Creek has "stories and a walk" on Friday mornings, There are noon concerts and free movies at Pioneer Square, and any number of story and song times at the county libraries. One of the best resources for stuff to do with kids is a website called Urban Mamas. I check it pretty much daily.

The calendar creation was instigated by a trip to Mt Tabor park to see a Bluegrass (Yes, Bluegrass...what!? I can like Bluegrass) band called Jackstraw. They were awesome and we wanted to find out where else they are playing. Many places it turns out.

So that you understand why the desire to see them again, check out my girl boogying down:


At 2:52 PM, Blogger MamaCta! said...

Boogie to the Bluegrass! Too cute.

It's ok to love bluegrass, no harassment from me.

But I will harass you for another blog update. Don't you know I live for those?

Take care.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Lysa said...

Hey Clara!

Sorry. I've been CRAZY busy getting ready for a craft show tomorrow. I'll likely blog about it later. Possibly with pictures!

Hope your weekend is splendid.


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