Girl Loaf

For all your girl loaf needs!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Most Likely to Hear a Who

So Lena found the "How Babies are Made" book somewhere in her room. Don't ask me where it was (or why) but she found it. We've "read" it in that we've used the words mommy, daddy, egg, and sperm. Not much more detail, just enough to create embarrassing possibilities. I can't wait.

Anywho.... Lena is now understandably interested in eggs: what's in them, where mine are, where hers are...etc. So, last Friday at school when she found a plastic easter egg she promptly put it in a stump, made a little nest (with some help), and attempted to hatch it. She dutifully sat on it for about 20 minutes, letting anyone in hearing range know what she was doing and warning them not to touch. NOTHING is more enticing to a three year old than the words "don't touch" so she spent another 20 minutes reclaiming her egg from her friends.

I guess my point here is that children are VERY literal and mine are demonstrably so. However, watching her be so careful and loving with that plastic egg made me happy. It might even be worth the inevitable embarrassment of her asking strangers to point out their eggs.


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